Day TWO in Morocco- Nov. 9, 2009

2nd day of delegations- Monday 11/9/2009

The group left to the Faculty of Law, economic, and social sciences to be briefed on literacy issues.  The Moroccan speaker was Mrs. Fatima El Gueddari – Chief of the Center for literacy and information education in the Rabat region / Ministry of Education.    The center for Women and Democracy speaker was Kate Brayko, an Instructor/ Researcher & Literacy Expert from the University of Washington. Another visit before lunch concluded to the Union de L’Action Feminine (UAF, WAF)/SOS Crisis Center – at 425 Avenue Hassan II Apt 13, Diour Jamaa Rabat Tel: +212537700964.  The guest speakers Nouzha Alaoui, UAF and Touria el Asri, UAF were briefing the group how the SOS Crisis Center addresses the support for women in Crisis.  .  Most of the delegates were astonished of the pictures and stories that were told about domestic violence and abuse cases.  

After lunch the group met with Women in Technology (WIT) to address the role of technology skills training and professional networking training in empowerment of women. The Moroccan presenters were Widad El Hanafi, WIT Program manager, Najia Fath, WIT participant in the “Networking; Voluntary project”, Jamila Aoussar, WIT participant, “My Blog and the family code”, and Khira Arab, WIT participant, “my story with Blogging, Sharing and training”.  They presented about the tools used in training women on technology and keeping up with their education to be competitive in the world outside their enviornment.  After their presentation, the CWD presenters, Autumn Lerner, Heather Hansen, and Srilashmi Remala shared their experiences and information about the best technological methods in communication utilized in the States.  Of course, questions and answers followed with comments from both sides.

The groups concluded the meeting with  Senator Lisa Brown presenting gifts to the Moroccon leaders and presenters from the Women and Democracy Center.  It is a way to thank them for hosting the meeting and to continue this relationship inthe future.   Both groups joined in a joint picture.

Here are some pictures of the group:



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