Day THREE in Morocco- Nov. 10, 2009

3rd day of delegations- Tuesday 11/10/2009

This was the big day. We had a conference at the “Le Tour Hassan” hotel. The Day was full of briefings and roundtable discussions on women in politics and entrepreneurship.  Leaders from across Morocco, representing diverse sectors, were invited today.

The first briefings were from a panel from women in politics that consisted from delegate speakers from our group and women in politics in Morocco.   Our delegates were led by the magnificent Senator Lisa Brown who opened the conference and continued by our chair Shawna woods, Cathy Allen and Connie Niva.  As from the Moroccan side, we listened to “Zuhur Chigaf” a member in Parliament-MP – she is the Presidente de l’union des Femmes Haraki.  She presented on the Western Sahara area.  She talked about the problem in the Western Sarah Area and the conflict that has been existing there for the past 35 years.  

They talked about “Detinouf”- a town the south between Morocco and Algerie where it has a detainee center of women, men and children.  Women in Morocco were striving and eager to make a change and participate in the community.  Some of their accomplishments were the “Al Mudawana”, amended by the criminal and economical law that allowed women to take charge of their lives and advance themselves by being able to increase their participation in leadership positions such as the Parliament.  Efforts that provided women empowerment and increase their global recognition were on the move.

Another presenter was Siham Bojji, Responsible Principle of Programs- (NDI)National democratic Institute – for international Affairs.

The audience moved to participate in workshops at the end of the conference room. Each table consisted of some delegates from U.S., women from Morocco and translators since some of the women of Morocco didn’t know English but most knew Arabic and French.

It was a very interesting discussion.  You can hear all kind of languages flying all over our heads, English, French and Arabic.  I was the translator on our table as well as Brittany Beaulieu and Connie Niva.  Women from Morocco were happy that I spoke in Arabic and the fact that I was from Jordan.  We exchanged business cards and they all insisted that I call them before I leave to the States. It was an honor to talk to all of them and learn about the magnificent work all of them are doing.  It was interesting how we all understood each other as we in more than one occasion used the 3 languages in one sentence.

We finished our sessions heading to lunch, the hotel’s architect was magnificent with trees, fountains and beautiful tiles. (See pictures of conference at “Hassan Hotel”)

The afternoon started with 2nd round of workshops, the participants on my table were Ilham Zhiril: Pole development de Lentreprenanarait Feminin, Ramona m. el Hamzaoui, assistant Director- USAID Morocco (U.S. Agency for International Development, Amina Yabis: Cooperative Artisanale Feminine de Boutons en Soie ‘Cerises’- Sefrou , and Naema Birali: L’association D’artisanat Des Femmes De khenfira. making necklesses and bracelets.

It was interesting to know that Amina and Naema are competitors but yet they assist each other to succeed.  Women in the region tend to care more if all of them succeed in the business.  As a matter of fact Amina assisted Naema to get the necessary skills to start similar shops and both of them are doing great. 

The final presenter was Fatema Mernisi: speaking on Islam and the Media. Fatema is a Moroccan feminist writer and sociologist.  She is concerned in Islam and the women’s role in it. Through her books and writings she analyzed the historical development of Islamic thought and its modern manifestation.  The group enjoyed her presentation as she had a lot of sense of humor.  Of course the discussion followed with Q &A and a group picture followed. (See picture of  FATEMA and the group).

At 5:00pm the group of delegates departed back to the hotel which was only a block away. we r rushing to get ready for the reception at the American Embassy, hosted by the U.S. Ambassador, Sam Kaplan and his wife.  Other leaders in the community who are working on women’s leadership/empowerment issues were invited to this event.  I met wonderful people and we exchanged cards and took pictures. We concluded the night at 10:00pm and took the bus back to the hotel.

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